Industry AU

This one has a bit of a storyline to go with it, still a BIG W.I.P. however!


Age: 14~15Height: 5’1” / 155 cmBirthday: May 14
Likes: Hello KittyDislikes: Homework
Sanrio’s most popular (and most adorable) Kittyler! She’s been in the business for some time, but started gaining traction within the last year. Following in her mother’s footsteps, she’s dedicated to her work and brand image. Singing has transcended her passion and become a lifestyle all its own. Iroha soon learns just how much this whole idol business has affected her when she can’t quite find her true self.
Age: 43Height: 5’9.5” / 177 cmBirthday: May 15
Likes: SanrioDislikes: Taxes <\3
Graceful in every way, this former Kittyler turned supermodel/agent has some serious experience. She knows the industry like the back of her hand, and has taken great care to steer Iroha in the right direction. Sometimes she lets her personal judgments get the better of her, recalling past experiences and previous woes. While she can be a bit strict, at the end of the day she only wants her family to be safe and happy. 
Age: 17Height: 5’7” / 170 cmBirthday: May 13
Likes: Cats, ChocolateDislikes: Egg Salad
Overshadowed by the success of his mother and sister, he’s taken his own path. Learning the inner workings of the underground scene, he’s carved a niche for himself. He isn’t super involved with all the idol business Iroha and Momoiro are in, even holding a significant disdain for all the frills and razzle-dazzle. It’s not his style but he sticks to himself, which his mom doesn’t seem to have a problem with. He wants to explore the world someday soon.


Age: 14~15Height: 5’5” / 165 cmBirthday: Dec 21
Likes: BirdwatchingDislikes: Wearing Socks
He’s a simple boy with a love for voice acting and singing! After his breakout role as Puppycat, in Bee and Puppycat, he’s enjoyed a steady stream of cameos, brand deals, and smaller roles. He’s had plenty of opportunities to travel out and see sights, but at the end of the day he enjoys the simplicity of his home life. Overall he’s probably the closest with his brother, and a bit of a momma’s boy too. His life’s been pretty simple up to this point. Once he meets Iroha he realizes there’s a lot more strife to being in the limelight than he thought.
Age; Height; Birthday; Jun 29
Likes: Dislikes: 

ultra confidentbit bluntindustry veteran (like al)
Age: Height: 6’5” / 195.5 cmBirthday: Dec 22
Likes: HIS WIFE!!!!!!Dislikes: 

just bullet points from disc/memory for nowbit awkward gentle giantdoesn’t want to seem scaryindustry veteran (like ann)
Age: 20Height: 5’9.5” / 177 cmBirthday: Sep 10 
Likes: His CatDislikes: 

loser <3WILL make fun of Oli (typically in jest)big on soundcloud or somethinginternet microceleb
Age: 17Height: Birthday: Oct 7
Likes: Dislikes: 

confident like her mombit awkward like her dadunderground artistCan skateboard 

(concept designs)

The Basics:

Iroha’s been in the industry for essentially her whole life, landing smaller commercial gigs, eventually landing a place within the Hello Kitty to Issho franchise at 13. She’s always been surrounded by this idea of the Kittyler lifestyle, particularly nurtured by her mother who was also a former Kittyler. Now turned 15, her agency (Sanrio) is really pushing her forward in her solo career. A lot of new opportunities have come her way, concerts, collaborations, interviews, etc. One job for a particular collaboration has her incidentally meeting Oliver!

By this point Iroha has been finding it pretty difficult to juggle her work and studies consistently. Her agency is already rushing her to finish early, but her grades have been suffering as a result. While she’s essentially on the fast-track to stardom, this hectic schedule has left her missing a lot of formative experiences for her age. It’s all she knows though, and being Sanrio’s golden girl she’s never bothered putting up much of a fuss either. 

One factor that always seems to loom over her is this idea of keeping up her mother’s legacy. Not to mention the income now primarily coming from Iroha. Their family is not poor by any means, Momoiro has a very successful career as a model + running her own agency. However, Iroha’s success has already surpassed Momoiro in many ways, the spotlight set firmly on her. She works hard to do right by the company, but especially her mom. She’s never had the time to question any restrictions placed on her, at least not until she met Oli.

Starting out fairly young doing commercials and the like, Oliver is now a successful young man. He’s set himself apart from the rest of his family by solidifying himself in the voice acting sphere. He’s not opposed to singing, but with such a large success as his Puppycat role he’s certainly tied himself to the character. His parents come from a more classic era of singers and performers, but it still allows him to indulge in recording songs with them once in a while. Overall he likes sticking close to his family, even if his work is pretty different from theirs.

While he isn’t exactly sheltered, he’s definitely uninformed when it comes to the industry at large. He’s actually managed to keep his life pretty well rounded, spending his primary and secondary school years among his peers. Even though he’s onto private education/tutoring, he still gets plenty of opportunities to experience new things outside of working or being at home. His social interactions revolve mostly around his family though, and being a voice actor means he doesn’t need to worry about his image too much. He’s got it pretty good all things considered, but doesn’t realize not everyone has it this lucky.

First Meeting:

He’s pretty excited to land such a big collaboration partner as Sanrio, and is pretty intrigued when it turns out his coworker is an idol. They’re tasked with recording some lines and a little song for a Hello Kitty and Puppycat collaboration commercial. It’s nothing Oliver isn’t used to doing, though what is newer to him is getting to work in the studio with someone his age. Iroha is actually pretty nervous, but putting up her usual polished front, something which Oliver is quite struck by.

Knowing virtually nothing about idols, he assumed they might be akin to your more average singers. Seeing Iroha act in such a way so steeped in this sort of persona or band image gives him a slight idea of just how deep it can go. Even during more casual interactions Iroha can’t quite ‘turn off’ this overtly sweet/moe persona, and is having a much more awkward time than she hoped. Lucky for her, Oli is quite the patient guy, and is still happy to work with her and try to get a conversation going. In general he just assumes all Idols might act this way.

This would definitely be her first instance of seeing into the other side of things. Most of her interactions with others have been very cut and dry. Professional talks with agents, meetups with fans, or the occasional interview/TV gig. All these interactions end up involving some level of filtering and general dissociation from her personal interests. She’s not entirely disingenuous, but at the end of the day she still has company/media training and a brand image to uphold. She hasn’t had a lot of time to develop her genuine self. 

Voice acting is one thing, but once Oliver gets to hear Iroha sing her amount of talent and range is more than apparent. Paired with her professionalism, it’s no wonder to him just how valued she must be, especially at an age like theirs. Getting to see her in her element easily solidifies Oli’s deep respect and admiration for her work. 

Once on their lunch break is when they’d properly get to interact. Oli would definitely have to lead pretty heavily, but eventually starts getting Iroha to open up a bit more. She’s realized by this point that she doesn’t have any agents or fans to worry about either, so it provides a bit more relief for her. As he brings up his own family and other personal topics, he’s  slowly working towards finding things she might relate to. 


A Proper Hangout:

Insert info here (first hangout, meeting the family)

Getting Comfortable:

Insert info here (iroha more true to herself + oli realizes his feelings)

The Ball:

Insert info here (big event, sneak away + iroha realizes her feelings, momoiro finds out)


Insert info here (momoiro confronts iroha, breakdown, no solid conclusion but momoiro feels bad for iroha)

Appearances are Hard:

Insert info here (iroha attempting to continue seeing oliver but schedule makes it harder + she’s getting frustrated, rumors are spreading)

Alone Again:

Insert info here (iroha slips up and is spotted out with oli, reprimanded by her company and forced to make a public apology + cut contact, oli visits one last time)


Insert info here (small fan duo have managed to find out who oli is and track him down for a lowkey interview, he’s promised anonymity so decides to speak from the heart, a certain side of the fanbase is starting to grow)


Insert info here (iroha asks for random meeting, she tells him how she feels + asks him to show up for her concert that week, big plan)

The Final Concert:

Insert info here (oli shows up to the concert and iroha sneaks him backstage, end of concert iroha changes her usual ending speech, starts speaking to her audience more directly, brings oli on stage + asks her audience to support her, silence at first but the fans start speaking up eventually chanting, iroha crying oli comforts her, he takes the mic for a bit to thank the fans, security starting to make their way to the main stage, oli has to book it but not before getting a kiss from iroha, crowd is WILD!!!! Successfully gets away)

The Aftermath:

Insert info here (the support is unprecedented, iroha has managed to relate to more of an audience her age with her story and it’s spreading like crazy, oli even gets interviewers at his house, 


((literally copy pasting from disc will rewrite/organize/solidify later))

Once they get a break/lunch in between things, I feel that would be when they most properly get to interact. Oliver would definitely have to lead pretty heavily, but I think eventually he starts getting Iroha to open up a bit more by also bringing up things like his own family and other life stuff. Essentially slowly working to find things she might relate to. 

As she finally gets to bring up some things with her own life, I’d imagine he starts to get way more interested. By this point it would probably be pretty obvious to him as well that it seems like she just needs a proper friend. Something outside of work pretty much.

While Oliver doesn’t feel like the interaction was a *complete* success, he probably takes the chance to give her his email (i was thinking phone number at first but I feel like he’d consider that too forward in some way). He’s not actually even sure if she’d want to continue talking with him but at least wants to leave the door open since she seems nice.

For Iroha she’d probably be stressing a bit over the fact she can’t quite maneuver around the conversation in a casual way, but does appreciate his patience with her. There would probably be some like guilt in the back of her head for how hard she’s continuously fumbling these small interactions with him, but she has to keep reminding herself that there’s no one to ‘disappoint’ or perform for. Like it’s just a boy-

I think at the end of the day the recording session would have gone just fine overall and they part ways as usual. Back at home though Iroha is probably deliberating hard as fuck over what to say in the email, maybe just settling for a ‘hi this is iroha!’ and hoping they can go from there-

Oli would be insanely relieved he even got a response in the first place like he probably left that interaction half assuming she would completely ignore his existence afterwards (not in a malicious way but in a WOW this girl is busy way kngdkdhkj) He probably took some time to even look into her media presence a little, but basically got a glimpse of her whole deal.

Mm i think this marks the end of that particularrr idea i had but I’ll pivot onto the next idea i had (praying i won’t be too tired by the end) ALSO IVE JUST LOOKED BACK AND IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO MUCH WRITING I HOPE THIS IS FINE IM DOING MY BEST TO STILL BE CONCISE AT LEAST KJFHFKJHFJK

Okay so following this, I would imagine they have some like pretty simple exchanges over email, but Oliver eventually asks if they can hang out. Iroha probably isn’t sure how to answer right away, like it’s kind of her first time scheduling something for herself, but she probably finds some period of time where she isn’t backed up with signings or anything of the like that works pretty well for it.


Now at this point Iroha has agreed and like they’ve settled on a date, but I think it only starts to dawn on her what the media might think if she was seen out with this guy. She doesn’t necessarily want to say no though, so she instead musters up the courage and kind of works out a plan to disguise herself as best as possible (probably taking some things from her mom’s wardrobe- no hello kitty, that type of thing)

Come to the day of the hangout, they probably meet up somewhere pretty low-key at first like a nearby park, but the moment Iroha is faced with a crowd she immediately freezes up. She doesn’t necessarily have to worry about getting recognized, but the idea of it is just tying her stomach in knots. She psyched herself up for it and everything but in the end she can’t quite push herself to do it.

They probably try to stick around the park a little longer, but at the end of the day it *is* a public space and more people are making their way through just getting to the city center. Iroha is probably having a hard time with it but just trying to save face and keep Oliver happy (again having a hard time getting out of the ‘fan interaction’ mentality)

Oliver at this point probably politely suggests she could go to his house (probably walkable, not too far) against his usual judgement. But at this point they would be kind of out of options for low traffic public spaces. Iroha is already desperate to get out of there so she agrees in a heartbeat.

I don’t think she realizes until later how much worse for her image going to a boy’s house would be than just,, being generally out and there happens to be a boy with her, but really both situations would be bad for her. At the end of the day she’s essentially trying to avoid the potential for recognition, but going to his house ends up being a good decision.

Obv his family would be home, but they’d probably be very welcoming to Iroha! I’m not sure if either Ann or Al would recognize her, maybe they would have seen her on TV once or twice? But in general they just know her as the girl Oliver sang with for that one thing- I feel like Yohio might end up teasing him later on for having brought a girl over to the house but he tries to make it abundantly clear it wasn’t his original intention.

Being at his house would actually end up providing Iroha with an environment that’s far easier to open up in. Obviously it’s very new, and very spur of the moment, but it quickly dawns on her there is absolutely no one who knows she is there except for her. No one to watch over her or give her feedback. No one to post about it or any paparazzi to notice. Like it’s just him and his family, and probably some very yummy food that they made. In the end It turns out to be like one of the first times she gets to relax with company around.

I think most of their interactions would still revolve around Oliver leading things and talking about his own experiences, but it would give Iroha a lot more opportunities to chime in or at least ease into the idea of having a conversation without a microphone somewhere in the immediate vicinity. Overall, a good change of pace :-3

She’d definitely leave with a big sense of comfort, though I’d imagine she’d have a hard time saying goodbye. To Oli’s surprise, and probably even a bit of her own, Iroha’s very quick to ask about the next time they can hang out again. Obviously he’s pretty flexible but Iroha’s gonna have to check her schedule-

I think the beginning of their first proper hangout would essentially be a lot like their first very awkward convo in the first half, but eventually settle into something better in the second half. I’m not sure either of them would necessarily have or recognize any feelings by this point, but Oliver at the very least is pretty keen on getting to know her. I think Iroha would be pretty interested to get to know him as well, but it would essentially clash with her ability to socialize in the first place + hyper awareness of any possible media attention.

pups stuff: (mostly ollie family pointers, sort later!!)

if his industry work started before puberty which i imagine it has i think that’s something interesting he would have had to go thru with voice change and stuff (i know this was an issue raised with gumball’s voice actor but idk how that went i didn’t watch much of tawog) 

i dont know about ann but at least al was meant to be an elvis impersonator so you could run with that if you want which would put him probably as a D list celebrity or so 

yohio mention. would u just put ruby as an indie singer or something u probably forgot her but i will not allow this /hj /lh 

homeschooled lol

obv nothing comes of it this time but girl going to a boys house is so dangerous for your rep lmfao 

i like the reaction of not really knowing her or her body of work from his family though, shes not “nekomura iroha hello kitty idol” she’s “that girl oliver did some work with that 1 time” 

also yohio teasing him about bringing a girl home but like also -i- want to tease him for bringing a girl home lol 

a comfortable space though is nice, imagining her petting james and hios cat too maybe 

checking the calendar for next time…

ive never given it much thought but there’s something about the visual of him (Yohio) cleaning a litter box that is so funny ? like it doesn’t suit his image at all but it is his cat

this is off topic but thinking of him in scruffy house clothes in general

wondering about momoiro + al and ann interactions because surely they run into each other at some point right

*((AH im sure they’d compliment iroha to her and she’s like ah they must really appreciate her work ethic or something NOT KNOWING SHES LITERALLY BEEN TO THEIR HOUSE

i dont know how u envision al and ann but to me (and you can use this or discard/adjust at ur leisure) al has always been an awkward friendly giant, he’s tall, huge, he knows that and really doesn’t want to seem scary… 

and ann to me has always been the opposite, i go back and forth on her height so dont ask me that. but i think she’s a very confident up front kind of person, 0 room for insecurity and very social if a little blunt

excellent and ruby too since u forgot her but i think she takes after her mom’s confidence, but comes off a bit softer, not devoid of bluntness, but isnt as boisterous. i dont think she totally escapes her dad’s awkwardness though lol (i think this mostly manifests at the end of conversations, she might run out of things to say and just stares at you for a moment too long lol) adopted young, never knew anything different from where she is now and its never bothered her

Hio > now 19-20 

Ruby > 17


As things would progress I think that’s where Iroha would definitely start coming into her own more, like finally getting to develop an identity outside of her usual idol/work life, but then that’s also where more conflicts would arise from. All of this outside of her company’s knowledge, or her mom’s knowledge, but she’d probably be pretty good about keeping her outings secret (at least in the beginning)

Ah there’s more I could talk about but i’m getting sleepy

I think one last thing I will mention is I don’t Momoiro (when she finds out) would consider Iroha making friends with a boy, or even liking a boy, a bad thing for her. I mean she knows just as well as Iroha what life as an idol under a company like Sanrio is like, she was one once. I think most of her worries really would stem from knowing that any wrong move and it could spell disaster for her career depending on how serious it gets. I doubt she’d dislike Oliver either, like he’s a nice kid, though probably has her suspicions at first as far as his intentions (like trying to gain fame by associating with Iroha). It wouldn’t be long before she realizes he already has his own thing going though-

While I think her main priority is making sure Iroha stays in line with what the company wants for her, at the end of the day her ultimate goal is for Iroha to be happy and (hopefully) cultivate an even better life than she’s had so far. 

Okay so picking up from things after first hanging out, I feel as they get closer Iroha would find more ways to make time for hanging out. Maybe starting to strategically work her schedule around, asking her agents for particular days for events, things that still work for them but also leave her with bigger blocks of unaccounted time. I think she’d avoid making Momoiro suspicious by bringing stuff home from the store after being gone for so long. I think her mom could easily explain it away with Iroha just wanting to do a lot of shopping as a girl her age.

If she’s getting a bit of tutoring done while hanging with Oliver I could also see that boost in her grades also deterring her mom from really looking into things further. Maybe she’s more thinking like ‘ah she’s finally getting a balance on school and work what a good job she’s doing’ but really she’s been getting extra help X-D

It really would be a help to her since she’s probably also having to advance through her studies pretty quickly too. Probably on track for an early graduation of some kind, only so Sanrio can put her into the idol business more full-time.

I think even while Iroha would be able to start opening up by this point, i think the real eye opener for her would be some conversation where Oliver probably brings up some grumpy older celebrity he’s worked with only for Iroha to make some kind of snide comment like “ah yeah no wonder they got indicted for tax fraud” and they’re both a bit shocked and she’s probably embarrassed since it was a rude thing to say. But in the end Oli’s just laughing like it’s the best thing he’s heard in 8 years or something. She probably doesn’t get to speak her mind in an honest way so it kind of helps her realize like hey, i can talk about anything here really.

I didn’t get to mention this but I feel that Iroha would be pretty knowledgeable on current media happenings, I guess in contrast to Oliver who’s kinda out of the loop (besides stuff to do with Iroha but I’ll clarify on that in the next paragraph). She has a phone but really only uses it to text her mom, or agent(s), or keep up with her socials. I don’t think she actually makes any of her own posts, the company organizes that for her, but she DOES keep track of what people are talking about. I don’t think it would be like a thing where she checks her phone often, but it is at least something she keeps around her a lot. She would definitely take pictures of James and Hio’s cat hehehe

Okay so for Oliver I think once he starts getting to know Iroha he would also want to start getting to know like what she does a bit better. He’d probably start like reading a blog here, looking at a post there, like idley getting more information as he starts to interact with it more. I think it would be silly if he ended up getting most of his info from some kind of in depth fan blog, but it’s the easiest way for him to keep up. I feel like he’d get a bit of whiplash every time though, like ah they just hung out the day before but wow she’s scheduled for another concert tomorrow. I’m not sure she’d like to mention it too much, but I’m sure he’d start to realize just how prevalent she is considering Sanrio as a brand is also massive.

Speaking of Sanrio, I think Oliver would’ve already been interested in some of their products (obv he is a Tuxedosam fan) but getting to know Iroha would essentially just bring it a bit more into his day to day. I like to think they send each other silly gifs or like little good morning pics with their favs hehe. It would probably also surprise him a little to know she really does just like Hello Kitty THAT much. Like on some level you expect part of it to be an obligation thing, but no she will Sanrio loredump if given the opportunity. I think he would find her extensive knowledge on Sanrio as a whole pretty endearing, if a bit unexpected.

On the topic of them more properly being friends, I feel that once Iroha moves past the stage of ‘what would people think’ or ‘what must he think of me’ it would become a lot easier for her to realize the positive impact he’s had on her. She’s pretty quickly want to repay him for his kindness. I think it would mostly be small things, but with a significant value (which Oliver doesn’t quite realize until he looks into it)

I’d imagine the main things she’d get him overall are like little rare, vintage Sanrio trinkets. Little mementos like that :-3

Okay complete pivot but I have an idea for a scenario in my head, probably also the point Oliver realizes he has feelings:

So regular hangout right. Maybe it’s mid afternoon, but Iroha’s got the whole day free and already has her alibi’s covered (i guess for lack of a less professional term jhgdjkdbdjkb) They’re in the living room, probably just enjoyed something like,, idk scones or muffins. They are chilling and snacking basically, and he’s probably got his laptop so they can watch stuff. (Don’t ask me why I think he’d have a laptop just feel he’d be a portable type of guy)

They’re having their laughs their chuffs, Ann and Al probably idling by at the dining table, but it’s becoming pretty obvious that Iroha’s getting sleepy. This girl is yawning up a storm!! Oliver would obviously bring it up, maybe a bit worried she’s bored, but really all the food just has her ready to nap. I think she would’ve already planned to stay most of the day, so she’s insistent on sticking around, but Oliver suggests she could take a nap! :-3 Thing is, it’s still midday and it’s bright as fuck in the living room- So Oliver in all his genius is like “No worries you can just sleep in my room! :-D” Iroha sleepy so ofc she agrees, bed sounds pretty good compared to couch.

I think it would actually also be her first time seeing his room, but I’d imagine it’s pretty welcoming. Lots of navy and dark wood accents. Pretty organized but still lots of variety I’d imagine. Books, dvds, probably some old video games (probably from Al <3) and obv James. After closing the curtains it’s like perfect for nap, and Iroha’s pretty quick to cozy up + snooze. Oliver probably just takes the opportunity to quietly work at his desk (doesn’t really want to just leave her alone, in his house, in his room-) 

After a bit he’d probably catch himself looking over and realize she’s firmly cuddled up with his only Tuxedosam plush. Kinda chuffs to himself at the favoritism but realizes he’s been looking at her now for like far too long. In finally having a more quiet/private moment to really observe, I think it finally dawns on him like the whole absurdity of it. He has invited this girl to his whole as HOUSE, and she is now IN HIS ROOM. SNOOZING IN HIS BED of all things. Cute girl!!! Is in his room!!!! 

At this point he’s obviously realizing like yeah Iroha is cute but he never necessarily took the time to consider she is also particularly cute to him personally. But now seeing her all snuggled up and peaceful, it just tugs at his heartstrings. I think the warm n fuzzy feelings end up coming from the idea of like, being able to provide her that comfort, even if it’s just letting her take a nap. He’s pretty happy to see her get a break essentially.

This revelation is also immediately interrupted by Hio jumpscare in his doorway, who most definitely caught him staring at the girl in his bed and WILL tease him about all of this later. :-3c

I’m not sure what Al and Ann would think about all of this, I doubt they would tease him as much as Hio, but I’d imagine they’d get curious at some point considering she’d be like the only person he regularly invites over. I mean they know him to be a polite kid, he probably hasn’t had a very prominent love life up the this point (a few crushes I’d imagine but never much more) so it’s definitively a new chapter in their eyes.

Dear god I have another idea for another scenario but I’m reaching my sleepiness threshold so I will think about this before my snooze and relay after awakening 

One thing I’m realizing now I feel I haven’t clarified enough how I imagine their interpersonal dynamics or like, standout traits. I think Iroha starting out would be a bit shy interpersonally, it makes the switch to her more scripted, unapologetically cute type persona a bit more jarring. As she grows more comfortable that’s when her more boisterous nature would start to show, but I think for her idol role she often runs on a more filtered version of that. Still got a lot of pep in her step, but more inoffensive for the media and fans. 

I’ve always considered Oliver just kind of a polite guy, though maybe a little too polite for his own good. Obviously this is what gets him into the whole situation of,, literally inviting a girl he’s just barely gotten to know to his house, among other things. I think through knowing Iroha he’d really learn the importance of being able to speak his mind just as much as she is learning the same thing. And it’s not like he’s lacking in feelings either, through his development I’d imagine he’s grown pretty attached to Iroha.

Mmm I’m trying to think of a way to maybe clarify on other aspects too. Like from the perspective I’m explaining it I think Iroha’s life and schedule sounds almost needlessly busy but I do imagine this is mostly just to do with how interactive she has to be as an idol. I feel her image would be really focused on her as a personality + fan interactions. 

Also I’ve been realizing that describing it in this way probably makes Iroha sound way more closed off than she actually is. Like yeah, Oliver is probably the only real friend she has made, but she is definitely not lacking in ‘friends’. She’s definitely met plenty of other people her age, probably in the form of other idols, as well as fans n stuff. But most of these connections just never get much further than service level like coworkers or fan/idol interactions. Oliver would’ve essentially been the first one to offer like, I genuine interest in her. Not her idol persona, but herself directly. 

I guess Oliver in this case would have comparatively much less connections, but his circle is obviously much closer and more reliable than the more superficial connections Iroha forms in her day to day. In the end I think the main driving force for Oliver would be wanting to see Iroha happy, and be able to play a part in providing that happiness for her.

Note to self that Momoiro would instead be suspicious about Iroha’s grades but wouldn’t look into things too much (not until the next scenario)

On the topic of the tutoring stuff I have small idea for a scenario regarding that. (((EDIT 6/19 I DONT REMEMBER WHAT THE SCENARIO WAS ILL HAVE TO COME BACK tO THIS))))


Okay i don’t have a segue so I’m just going to get straight into describing the other scenario i was thinking of. I really like the idea of,, like big event/ball also so this is essentially that X-D

Iroha is invited to sing for this event, not sure who exactly it would be organized by, but she’s about to turn it down until she realizes Oliver and his family also have access to the event. She’s actually pretty excited by this point and is already planning to wear like the best dress ever heheh. I’d imagine up to this point she hasn’t had a chance to dress up much around him so like good opportunity yk.

So come the time of the event, things are just fine. Probably starts off with a few other events, including her singing, but after that it’s mostly mingling. Momoiro is with her too, but I think this would end up being the first time she gets to know/interact with Al and Ann, also Oliver incidentally. Yohio is,, probably also around there somewhere.

I think by this point Iroha would realize like just how much press coverage this event is getting, but it means she’s getting absolutely no chance to talk to Oliver consistently, let alone dance with him. Like maybe a bit of chit chat but not much more. The only people she’s danced with by this point are like the head of her company and her mom probably- The night just really isn’t turning out how she expected! 

I think Oliver at first would be also trying to talk to her, but seeing her give all these quick glances towards the photographers and stuff he’s quick to pick up on the memo. He’d eventually take a chance to sneak off and check out the rest of the venue, only to find there’s actually another ballroom down the hall going totally unused. Big ass doors but lucky for him they are unlocked :-3c

They probably reconvene by the food bar or something, and decide to take their next advantage to sneak away to that other side of the building. I think this would inadvertently also give Al and Ann an opportunity to talk to Momoiro, like ah the kids aren’t around let’s mingle as parents. I think they’d start to talk to her about Iroha and Oliver being friends at all, and at first she finds it a little odd cause she only knows him as the kid she worked with that one time. Eventually they start mentioning like, how she has come over to their HOUSE, and that’s when Momoiro realizes there is a lot Iroha has not been telling her about. 

I think she’d be really good at hiding the shock, she doesn’t make a scene about it. At this point she knows it would be way easier to play along for now and have a proper talking to with Iroha later (which she now realizes is just,, gone??). I think it gives her an opportunity to pry though, like ‘oh you know how kids are, she only tells me what I need to know,,’ This would then also get her to realize why Iroha’s grades have been so good, is cause she’s getting help with her lessons from this kid. Obviously they’re all talking about this kind of privately too, I feel Al and Ann would at least be respectful enough to know not to boast about something like this (except to family hehe)

Back with our scheming duo, since they can’t really hear the music from the main venue anymore they have to play music through one of their shitty phone speakers- Iroha is also very quick to realize Oliver does not know how to waltz. Iroha’s dress is probably very big and poofy, so she is also having an even harder time trying to lift this thing above her ankles so he can see how tf she is moving her feet. Overall it’s a silly mess, but they’re just having fun and eventually he gets the hang of it :-3 I’d imagine he’s already rhythmically inclined so it’s not so hard for him to catch on.

Now that they’re kind of settled and have the chance to talk, it wouldn’t be long before Iroha starts talking about how she feels about the event so far. She’d probably be honest with him like ‘yeah this is maybe the highlight of my night so far..’ which sort of surprises him considering the fanfare around her performance at the beginning of the night. She wouldn’t say it outright but she’s essentially trying to convey her goal was to be able to hang out with him for the night.

I don’t think Oliver would be a stranger to events like these but it’s probably one of the nicer balls he’s attended, so again something for him to mull over. I think he’d want to say more, maybe even bring up his feelings, but I think in the end he just settles for being glad she wanted to dance with him (even if he had no idea how to in the first place). He’s definitely feeling that she might reciprocate, just a bit too scared to bring it up in this moment.

By this point it’s probably been like an hour of them goofing off, but one whole hour at a private event like this it’s probably going to raise some flags. I don’t think anything would come of it as far as anyone random noticing since it’s a decently big event, but still something they gotta worry about. Iroha offers to sneak back first, but by the time she’s at the door she realizes just how much she doesn’t want to. It would be worse if she didn’t, but the pain of knowing that’s her last little freedom for the night is very palpable. Oliver would probably make his way back out after waiting a bit (sneakyyyyyyy) but I think it would be funny if he gets another Hio jumpscare hehehe

Now back with her mom I don’t think she would really notice anything wrong at first, but her mom almost immediately asks where she was. Iroha makes some excuse about fixing her makeup, which Momoiro “accepts” but the look her mom gives after tells Iroha like everything she needs to know essentially.. But she knows her mom won’t talk to her in this setting so she’s enjoying her last moments of freedom and yummy food while she can :’-)

Oliver on the other hand is probably feeling pretty chipper after the whole interaction. He didn’t exactly get to say as much as he wanted to (neither did Iroha) but he marks it as a pretty big success so he’s happy. I’m sure Hio’s quick to tell him he’s got cooties now or something X-D

The event ends without a hitch and everyone gets home just fine, but speaking of being back at home…


Momoiro immediately starts asking Iroha questions, like how long has she been hanging out in secret, why does this family know you so well, have you been seen at all, do the agents know?? Why didn’t you tell me??? I think it would come to a point that Iroha breaks down a little, which Momoiro is a bit blindsided by. Up to this point she assumed Iroha was handling things pretty well but this kind of puts into perspective just how much she hasn’t been looking into her own daughter. 

I think Iroha herself would still be processing what exactly she feels is missing/what she wants, but would communicate to her mom most of what’s been going on. The secret hangouts, the tutoring, why she snuck off at the end of the night, etc. Iroha would make it pretty obvious to her mom she’s not dating him but Momoiro is like 95% sure by this point that Iroha at least likes him. 

On Oliver’s end, i’d imagine Hio’s ragging on him for having a crush the whole car ride back, Ann’s going on about ‘awe my little boy’s in love~’ and Al’s going on about ‘well when I was your age-‘ so he’s having an equally bad but much funnier time. I think he holds back from outright saying he likes her just out of pure embarrassment, and maybe even wouldn’t want to admit it unless he knew she felt the same. Either way he knows it would be a lot of trouble for her considering her circumstances.


Okay so another possible situation in between things:

This takes place on some kind of anniversary event for Iroha. Maybe it’s something like,, Hello Kitty’s birthday or smthn idk. I think Oliver would be pretty aware of it coming up, one of the bigger events she has to worry about. I’m thinking he’d take a chance and drop something off for her before she has to go. She ends up opening it backstage by the end of the day, but I’d imagine it’s something pretty heartfelt, maybe even with a letter attached. It was probably something he’d been meaning to do but realized this was the perfect opportunity. In the end it serves to show her how much he really cares and still thinks about her basically :-3

I’m thinking a good point for another big change would be Iroha finishing her studies. It would be 3 years early but I think they manage it by cutting out anything outside of the absolutely necessary curriculum + really rushing her to get it done in as timely a manner as possible. She probably ends up getting it done by like the skin of her teeth :’-D but it means Sanrio is like ‘great! so you have more time to do your job now!’ and really ramp up the scope of her usual stuff.

She’s finding it harder and harder to make time to hang out with the one friend she’s managed to make, and I think it would really start to get to her. She’s probably at some sort of peak in her career, things are going really good for image, but her social life has been on the back burner. I think it wouldn’t help that Oliver probably shows up to her concerts to try and support her, and she appreciates it to some extent, but it just reminds her how much she’s missing out on.

Queue uhhhh next possible scenario I have in mind? Admittedly I’m developing this one a bit on the fly so it may be changed or I might swap it for something else:

So my idea is, Iroha asks for Oliver to meet her in between events. She’s too busy to afford to go to his house, but she can at least manage to rendezvous with him some late night at some kind of discreet location (idk park? bridge? maybe bridge yeah, somewhere w water idk). All of her feelings have had way too much time to boil up inside of her, so she just tells him exactly how she feels. Uhmmm for lack of a better way to convey this I will write this as dialogue ((SORRY IN ADVANCE IF THIS IS CRINGE AS FUCK))

“I just miss you. I miss you and I miss having a life. I might not know a lot of people, but I at least know that right now.. you’re one of my favorite people. Everything we’ve done together, everything you’ve done for me.. I just can’t imagine it being anyone else. But.. I want more. All this worrying, these rules, my schedule, it just starts to feel so.. so useless! I want a life, or love, or more hang outs, just- anything! Oliver, I want you.”

So needless to say my man is flabbergasted. But like /pos. I don’t think he can finds the words at first, just wordlessly hugs her really mulling over what he wants to say. ((I am also mulling over what he would say this might take me a bit))

I think he’s overall,, relieved. Like okay he wasn’t just deluding himself into thinking this ultra popular girl he likes also likes him back, but in a way he still feels a bit guilty since their options are so limited. Okay i can’t be bothered to write out the whole dialogue rn but Oliver would really appreciate Iroha being willing to be so open to him, and promises to do the best he can for her. At the end of the day he really does want a relationship with her to work, as much as things are kind of working against them.

I think they’d have to settle on making their hangouts smaller but bit more frequent. Riskier, which could get them into trouble, but at least makes it easier for them to bare the absence of their usual hangouts. By this point they would probably have exchanged phone numbers, again also a risky move but hey they’re in love jhdjhbfjkbd. It’s probably still mostly emails but obviously Iroha is at home less so it’s not so easy to sit down n rlly think out her emails like she used to. 

I don’t think they’d actually do much different in terms of their usual hangouts like before. If anything maybe it’d just be easier to talk since it was kind of one of the last personal barriers for both of them. Essentially they’re less scared to actually want to get to know each other now, since it’s mutual! :-3

Considering how things went last time, I feel Iroha would have to let her mom in on at least a little bit of how things are going on, but not the extent to which they have developed. As far as Momoiro knows, she still sees him every once in a while, but they are ‘just friends’ and only hang out when she has time. Which.. is true, but she doesn’t know exactly how close Iroha is cutting it half the time.

I think there would be more than a couple moments where she’s close to getting recognized or she might set off a red flag to an agent or something, but eventually these just start piling up and she’s starting to get annoyed. Her company’s starting to try keeping better track of her, but she’s getting less inclined to comply. I doubt she’s doing a bad job with her idol work and publicity stuff either, but the higher ups are essentially getting fussy about her schedule.

I’m sure Oliver’s aware of this but just at a loss on what to do. Mostly just doing his best to keep up even as things start to get a bit short notice. 

Behind the scenes, I could see some very niche stuff spreading amongst fans about things. Like speculating on who this random blonde guy is, maybe some really blurry photos or some kind of fan testimony (?) to go off of. The general media is unaware, these things are too small and unsubstantiated to mean much, but the diehards are growing more aware. Obviously it’s usually these idols have a pretty significant male audience and that’s why they don’t like the girls to seem unavailable (and I think Iroha would obviously have one in this case) but I like to think the diehards are more like,, other young girls who just really look up to her and are very invested in her personal life kjdkjhd. 

There is more i could get into but I’m getting quite sleepy now soooo I will reserve that for another time!!!