Tag: Oliver
Oliver Birthday Illusts 2024
I already posted these other places yesterday, but I’d say they definitely belong here too! Honestly I had a lot of fun drawing both of these, especially the one with Iroha! I’ve been in a sort of burn-out/art-block for little a while but I’m slowly building back up to working on projects I like so…
Nobility AU
IrohaAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ OliverAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _
Demon and Choirboy AU
IrohaAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ OliverAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _
Office Workers AU
IrohaAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ OliverAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _
Slasher and Final Girl AU
IrohaAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ OliverAge: _Height: _ Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _
Beauty and the Beast AU
*Main story elements inspired by a mix of Beauty and the Beast as well as Phantom of the Opera IrohaAge: 17-18Height: _Birthday: May 14 Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ OliverAge: 17-18Height: _Birthday: Dec 21 Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ (concept art) a pretty closed off AU, on the older side for this one 17-18? A particularly harsh winter has…
Familiar AU
Iroha is Oliver’s familiar, and is often getting him out of magic related trouble! Oliver is totally oblivious, but James knows far too much. IrohaAge: _Height: _Birthday: May 14 Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ OliverAge: _Height: _Birthday: Dec 21 Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ STORY IDEA: Cursed to live a new life, reincarnated as a cat-like spirit, Iroha has…
Team Fortress 2 AU
I had a TF2 AU before this with my friend, so this is basically that + the inclusion of Oli and Iroha. **Everyone is personalized, so it’s not the canon mercs! IrohaAge: _Height: _Birthday: May 14 Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ OliverAge: _Height: _Birthday: Dec 21 Personality/Description:_Likes: _Dislikes: _ (concept designs)
Red Hood and the Wolf AU
IrohaAge: 15Height: _ Personality/Description:She’s a dedicated baker’s apprentice who won’t take any nonsense in her kitchen! That’s not to say she isn’t understanding however, really she tries to help those around her little town in any way she can. Even if that someone just so happens to be the scoundrel that sneaks in every night…
Thief and Detective AU
IrohaAge: 15Height: _ Personality/Description:_ Likes: _ Dislikes: _ OliverAge: 15Height: _ Personality/Description:_ Likes: _ Dislikes: _ Iroha is thief with,, some group idk. Might be her friends might be just her family i’m kind of unsure on that part, but Al and Ann are main detectives on the case. Oliver’s training under them to get…
Aoki Lapis Audine Aurum Big Al Genderbend Greysan (Contributor) Hatsune Miku Hoheto (Derivative) Hoheto (Genderbend) IA Iori Yuzuru James Kaito kk4pups (Contributor) Len Kagamine Luka Megurine Meiko Momoiro (Derivative) Muxin Nekomura Iroha Oliver Olivia (Genderbend) Rana Rin Kagamine Sweet Ann Tealram (Contributor) Tone Rion Utatane Piko Vflower VY2