Vocatournament AU

Age: 16
Height: 5’2” / 157.5 cm
Iroha is a new contestant who’s seriously committed to winning alongside her friend, Oliver. In striving for such a title, she sometimes gets lost in this longing for something so grandiose. 

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Age: 16
Height: 5’6” / 167.5 cm
Oliver has some experience in lesser fighting tournaments, but only started taking things seriously once he found Iroha. What often holds him back is a fear of hurting those around him. His powers are somewhat unpredictable, and he’s had incidents because of this. Overall he tends to struggle with this feeling of not being quite human.

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No Jacket

The Basic Context: This is a fighting tournament, except everyone has powers based on a particular song or multiple songs (usually it is just one). Hatsune Miku is the highest ranking fighter and has held her spot at the top of the tournament for multiple years now. Teams and Soloists alike participate, ranked by power level and vying to get the the top.

The Story:

Oliver already has a history with fighting in less regulated circles. He’s used to dirty tactics, and while he can work under rules most of his experience has been ‘let loose and win by any means necessary.’

This mentality actually prepares him pretty well for the tournament proper, but his winning streak would soon start to get to his head. Not in the form of status, but purely for power. He already struggles with feeling like his nature is like eating away at his humanity from the inside, so being this brutal at the early stages is a decent set back for his personal identity and overall sanity.

Iroha on the other hand has only ever had a professional fighting experience, but they both relate in being pretty self taught. Her particular struggle is the need for the throne, which Miku sits on being the highest ranking fighter. Her constant struggle to the top blinds her to how much she’s really putting herself through and how much Oliver is going through as well.

Oliver already feels like he’s too strong for his own good, but Iroha instead feels like whatever level she’s at is never enough. 

I could see it culminating in some sort of stress induced conflict where Oliver notices Iroha’s really pushing herself to the limit and it’s begun to affect her fighting. But she’s not willing to hear it when he’s already at an advantage with his powers, but also “better off for it” in her eyes . He can brute force his way through a lot and to her it’s essentially his most valuable asset in the ring.

However, Oliver never really asked for the abilities he has, let alone enjoys how he’s cultivated them. Working with Iroha taught him the kind of control she has and showed him that fighting can be something for the enjoyment and bonding, so he’s really shaken by having it boiled down to that.

This particular conflict doesn’t get its resolution right away

Iroha ultimately still feels she’s not strong enough and sort of envies Oliver, and Oliver’s can’t bother to get through to her on why exactly his power comes at a serious cost.

The cracks start to show themselves as they start training more on their own time. Since there’s a rift now, they’re just not working together as easily and have started focusing more on their own strengths. They’re still going up in the ranks but it’s almost like they’re both starting to rush the progress.

Oliver is getting more reckless, throwing caution to the wind and letting his instincts take them where they might in the heat of the moment. Iroha still has her eye on the prize to the point she can’t see just how far Oli is taking things.
Everything comes to a head when the next team they’re up again is forced to meet his intensity with some foul blows. While the other team might be disqualified, the last thing they want is to possibly die. Iroha can’t force him to course correct or intervene either because she’s only caught up in winning against their opponents. In the end, Oliver is seriously injured, ending the fight and putting their move into the next bracket on hold.

It ends up being a hard stop for both of them because they can’t get back into the competition until Oliver recovers, not to mention the elephant in the room of why this all happened in the first place.

This moment wouldn’t 100% fix their faults, but at the very least put into perspective for them that things will only work if they can do it together. At the end of the day, Oliver wants to help Iroha and see her get stronger, but in a proper and healthy way. Iroha also needs to remind herself that while she has really lofty goals, she can only take it one step at a time. Overall, to get through these feeling of inadequacy and inequality, they just need to properly communicate, reconnecting with their love for fighting and each other along the way.

*This is really only part of the story, more needs to be developed in the way of the fights they actually get into, in particular once they face down the final 5

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