Iroha Age: 16Height: 5’2”Birthday: May 14 | |
Personality/Description:Iroha’s your typical emo kid, listening to edgy music and writing whatever godforsaken fanfiction comes to mind. She doesn’t hate other people so much as she assumes they hate her. While she could come out of her shell, it’s much easier to take the role of an outcast. Likes: Writing/Drawing, Jam Sessions Dislikes: School, People, Parties |
Oliver Age: 16Height: 5’6”Birthday: Dec 21 | |
Personality/Description:Tormented by his urges, Oliver has pulled away from society as much as he can. His family just assume he’s brooding like a teen his age, and people at school aren’t too preoccupied with a friendless weirdo. He puts up a reserved front, but on the inside he’s pretty caring if a bit sad. Likes: Studying, Taking Walks, Ruminating Dislikes: Himself (probably) |
NOTE: Whenever I imagine this AU I assume they’re in average vaguely American highschool
For his whole life Oliver’s been a pretty reserved kid, not one to stick out much or cause trouble with people. One night as he’s heading home, his whole world has turned around. Suddenly attacked by some rogue vampire, he assumes those previous fading moments are his last. Only some hours later, he’s.. completely fine? Besides his now missing eye at least. It isn’t long into the week however that he starts noticing strange symptoms and urges.
It isn’t so noticeable at first, his body is colder, his senses feel heightened. He chalks it up to growing pains but it only gets worse. Food becomes tasteless, nothing more than something to distract him. After a typical fumble leaves him bleeding, he’s faced with a new hunger that’s taken its place. He starts out subsisting on whatever was left in his body, but as he grows weaker it’s obvious he needs to find a proper source. Other humans would be the last on his list but.. some poor woodland creature would have to do for now.
Going about his day to day continuously avoiding people actually seemed to work out just fine for him. He was lucky enough that wherever he got the blood from didn’t seem to matter. The heightened senses were a lot harder to deal with. Constantly hearing hearts thumping, blood rushing, some random trash can falling over across the school. It was to drive him nearly to madness, but a trusty pair of earbuds quickly became his savior.
It was one day, out in the woods behind the school, where he would find himself caught by Iroha as he fed on some poor squirrel. There was absolutely no way he could explain himself, but the reaction he got was even more perplexing.
“ARE YOU A VAMPIRE???” She nearly squealed, face absolutely beaming with excitement.
Wide eyed and filled with dread, It was about now that he realized it would be a good time to run.
Now, Iroha wasn’t normally this crazy. This did however line up perfectly with her interests. Dark clothes, fan fiction, loud music, and a heavy dose of teenage angst. It wasn’t any wonder she’d be totally geeked at the idea that vampires actually existed. Knowing it was some equally weird kid from her own school only stoked the fire of her now immense curiosity. Ignoring all of her inhibitions, she was determined to not let this opportunity slip away from her.
As Oliver sprinted further into the woods, he’d assumed his increased agility would get him further. A quick glance back confirmed that she was still hot on his trail however. Desperate to escape he took to the trees, and it seemed to do the trick, but not a second later he heard a dull thud with no sign of her to be seen.
Oh dear god, what happened now?
Rushing back to where he’d last spotted her it seemed she’d.. passed out. Great, this girl he barely knew had exerted herself so far she collapsed. All just to get to him. She seemed to be fine, but there was no way Oliver could just leave her there now. Carefully picking her up, he started making his way back. He made a note of her smell, definitely sweet but probably consuming way too much caffeine for her own good.
It was about halfway into getting back to the school that she’d actually woken up, but looking up she could barely bring herself to move. It could’ve been like something she read, or something she’d written. It took every ounce of self determination not to freak out about being in a cool boy’s arms. Oliver had kept his gaze pretty firmly ahead, mostly lost in thinking of how to keep her away from him. Now that they’d gotten back to the clearing he finally looked down, only to be met with two sparkling brown eyes staring right at him..
“Ach- What the hell? Why didn’t you just tell me you were awake?!” He nearly jumped, sputtering out each word.
Oliver’s face was quickly flushed, awkwardly placing Iroha upright pretty unceremoniously.
“Wait but you really are a vampire, right? RIGHT?” She was quick to interject, set on getting an answer.
He stood still for a few moments, his head still pulsing from sheer embarrassment. What she’d seen was already pretty damning. If he wasn’t a vampire then he was just some freak harvesting a squirrel’s life for no reason. Not that the former was that different in his mind.
“Yeah.. but. Please, please don’t tell anyone. I-I haven’t even hurt anyone I swe-”
“COULD YOU TURN ME? PLEASE?” She interrupted, hands clasped now pleading on her knees.
“W HA T..?? N-No?!” He spat out, a bit more exasperated this time. “Even if I could, it’d probably be something.. something horrible!”
It was obvious she’d struck a chord, but the only response she could form was a seriously confused expression. Oliver immediately reeled himself back in, resuming a more withdrawn composition.
“Seriously. It’s not anything you’d want. Especially not from me..”
“You won’t have to see me again, I promise.”
And before Iroha could interject once more, he was already gone. Her mind whirled with every possibility of questions she could have asked. She groaned, slumping down as she grabbed her notebook. It might have been naive to assume she could just ‘charm’ him into getting what she wanted, but she’d eventually learn to find something a lot more genuine.
For now though, all she could think of was her next opportunity to find him.
So Oliver is obviously not a regular vampire, or at least not like some romanticized version like in the books. Here I’ll be taking the time to outline his particular “rules”.
- The only reason he turned is because he’d died from his injuries after being attacked. If he’d lived he would have just needed to recover and he wouldn’t have been afflicted.
- He’s not actually immortal. He still grows up, and he could still die from serious physical trauma. The only thing he won’t die from is sickness, and technically decay as long as he has some source of blood.
- He doesn’t specifically need human blood, which obviously he finds out. The only thing is it’s just not as efficient, since little animals have to end up dying and it makes him sad.
- He has heightened senses and reflexes, as well as increased agility from this combination, but it’s not actually that useful to him. If anything it’s more of a hindrance in his current state. Smells and sounds in particular are the worst offenders.
- The sun doesn’t really hurt him but it can burn him more easily than it did before. His eyes are also far more sensitive to sunlight now. Basically, he’s not getting a tan or going to the beach anytime soon.
- A more positive change, he can see really well in the dark now.
- Another more neutral change is he doesn’t really need to eat regular food anymore. He still has to pretend he eats though, at least for those that don’t know like his family.
- He doesn’t have any advanced regeneration. If anything he actually has the opposite. Wounds take a lot longer to heal themselves than they normally would.
Overall he has every opportunity to live his life pretty normally if given the right circumstances.
(concept designs)