Iroha Age: 15 Height: _ | |
Personality/Description: _ Likes: _ Dislikes: _ |
Oliver Age: 15 Height: _ | |
Personality/Description: _ Likes: _ Dislikes: _ |
Iroha is thief with,, some group idk. Might be her friends might be just her family i’m kind of unsure on that part, but Al and Ann are main detectives on the case.
Oliver’s training under them to get into the family business which explains him being allowed even though he’s pretty young- ((no idea what Hio’s doing but he’s probably doing PI type shit. I’m not sure if Ruby would also be involved in the detective work.))
Oliver is pretty interested, knowing that apparently his parents have been tracking the group down for a while, but he’s a little on the fence and considering doing something on his own. I think that is until Iroha starts toying with him once she realizes he’s showing up to these stings pretty regularly. On one hand it lights that fire having a particular target to try and figure out, and on the other hand it also works in Iroha’s favor by keeping him distracted from everyone else’s main objective.
I think Oliver at first would think of it like focusing on Iroha could get them the real lead they need, but because it’s to the point he’s not even focused on the actually thievery their organization is doing it’s like no,,, you’re just lowkey obsessed <\3
I think he would overtime get closer to her, mostly because she lets him, but in letting him she runs the risk of him kind of wising up to her tactics. I think in the beginning she would be a lot more scheming with it but overtime she grows a soft spot for him.
I could see things culminating in some kind of ‘we are stuck in the same room so we might as well talk’ sort of situation, or maybe it’s part of the whole getting closer thing
I’m not sure of any particular kind of “resolution” to things. Mmm I feel like there’s more i could say but running out of the mental faculties to like word any of it